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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Lynn White Challenge

Boat Blossoms

I am lucky enough to belong to a small group of Art Quilters. We meet each month and explore new techniques, tools and ideas. We share each others current work. Recently, one of our members issued a challenge to all of us. 
Bring 4-5 of your UGLIEST cotton fabrics (8" x 8") to the next meeting. We all brought fabrics we had found difficult to work into our current designs. We put them into a bag and each person had to pick out 4 fabrics that were NOT their own. We had to take them home to create a quilt out of these scraps.  All of the fabrics had to be at least recognizable in the finished quilt. 

                                     12" x 17"  Cotton and hand beaded. Machine quilted. 

Boat Blossoms Detail

 This is the backside of quilt and you can see the 4 fabrics that I pulled from the bag. 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Wandering Wool

Reindeer Run

Like most Art Quilters, I wander off into unexplored new territories to try out other techniques or materials sometimes. Lately, I have been exploring wool applique work. This winter, I worked on this small (12" x 18") holiday wall quilt. It is entirely made out of wool. The fun of working with these patterns is that you get to decorate and embellish  your reindeer any way you wish.

I had a lot of fun learning new stitches and trying different types of thread and beads. This charming pattern is by Suz Litsinger

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Theme Challenges

Winter's Song

Part of the fun of belonging to small art quilt group is the opportunity to see how others respond to a challenge. In this case, the theme was;  "How Winter Affects You." Winter is probably NOT one of my favorite seasons. But I do still see the beauty and magic of a full moon and the ice crystals that form on trees. 
This is a small,  8.5" x 11" quilt. It was machine free motioned quilted, using cotton, organza, satin and hand embellished. Sold to a private collector.