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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Landscapes times Three

I got the Fassett backing behind me and it feels good to know that project is moving along. Now all it needs is quilting and binding...LOL...just...

New project for AIR (due Aug 9 Yipes !...)is a three part landscape. This is an in- process photo as I am checking color distribution and balance and how the three pieces talk to each other. So far. I like what they are saying...I am still messing with mountains and several major elements that I am creating...


Revalani said...

This reminds me of a piece that Jackie's working on -- not fabric, of course, but a triptych that struck me as very landscape-y.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is very well done, Donna. I am working on a landscape triptych, as Reva mentioned, based on the work Janet Windsor did for the Challenge a few months ago.

You have worked hard this last year or so on your landscape techniques, and the perspective in this one is excellent. I can't wait to see the finished product on August 10th... %^)