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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our Lady of the Chocolate Pines

Created for the Pacific Piece Makers Quilt Guild annual challenge. This quilt addressed the "I LOVE Chocolate" idea for the show. In my own way, this was an image of an imagined place and a special lady who lived there.....somewhere out of time. I used commercial cottons and some hand dyes. The halo around the lady was made with a fine netting. She has a hand beaded necklace and small gold cross. There are also many swarvarski chrystals in the sky and on her gown. The size was approximately 22" X 32" inches.


MissesStitches said...

Donna, I simply loved your quilt. Now I have a question for you about your hanger. Check your email!

NickiLee said...

GORGEOUS! Your work is amazing!