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Monday, August 25, 2014

Try Something NEW !

Annual Pacific Piece Makers Quilt Guild Challenge

" Magic Triangles"

This is a little departure from my usual style my friends tell me. But....LOL I was captivated by the Lonnie Rossi fabric (lonnirossi.com)  that was sold in a Jelly Roll. I only had the fabric  for 5 years before the perfect use for it appeared. 

I was at the  Santa Clara Pacific International Quilt Festival and saw a demonstration of a cutting tool. It was just a simple 90 degree triangle but the booth demos showed how to sew six jelly roll strips into tube. Then you cut then up and magically they turn into two different sets of 9 blocks of banded colors. When when you put them together the combinations are endless.  Needless to say I played with them on the design wall for a long time. It's fun to try something new and this project was  perfect for our annual Quilt Guild Retreat to Healdsburg, CA.

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